Curatorium of the Chair
The procedure for the appointment of a candidate to the Prince Claus Chair is carried out by the Curatorium of the Chair. The Curatorium consists of the following people:
- Professor Bert Koenders (chair), Professor by special appointment of Peace, Law and Security at Leiden University;
- Professor Joyeeta Gupta (vice-chair), Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, University of Amsterdam;
- Professor Henk Kummeling (member), Rector Magnificus, Utrecht University;
- Professor Ruard Ganzevoort (member), Rector of the Institute of Social Studies.
Mrs Rianne Giethoorn, LLM is Secretary to the Curatorium.

First row: Ruard Ganzevoort, Joyeeta Gupta
Second row: Bert Koenders, Rianne Giethoorn, Henk Kummeling