
5 July 2023
16:15 - 17:00
University Hall Utrecht University and Live stream

5 July: Inaugural lecture Dr Fatima Denton

The Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University, Professor Henk Kummeling, has the pleasure of inviting you to a special ceremony on July 5 in which Dr. Fatima Denton will formally accept the appointment to the Prince Claus Chair in Equity and Development 2022-2024 at Utrecht University.

Her lecture is titled: Power and powerlessness in climate diplomacy: looking beyond the surface for a just transition.

Professor Fatima Denton, will explore the dynamics of power and powerlessness in climate diplomacy beyond the surface of just transitions. The capacity to produce and control fossil fuel extraction is a manifestation of power, which has shaped climate diplomacy since the Kyoto Protocol. 

The transition to a low-carbon economy presents an opportunity for countries to reorient their economies, but many lack the necessary resources and face power imbalances.  

The lecture argues for a just transition that allows new players, power structures, and interest groups to challenge the current trajectory and highlights the marginalized and powerless groups affected by climate change. 

For registration and live stream, see link below.