Chairholder 2017-2019: Ali Bilgiç

International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
ISS is an international institute for research and education in the field of development studies. ISS is located in The Hague and is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Between 300 and 400 graduate students, mainly from the ‘Global South’, study at ISS each year. ISS is also home to a large community of PhD researchers.
Professor Bilgiç focused on the relations between migration and the ‘human security approach’ to understand migration more comprehensively as a social, political and economic process and to identify and respond to associated policy challenges and dilemmas. He worked closely with other academics of ISS/Erasmus University and other universities in the Netherlands, who work in the area of migration, mobility and human security.
Ali Bilgiç has a Ph.D. from Aberystwyth University and is now a reader (associate professor) in international relations and security at Loughborough University in the UK. He is from Turkey.
His research areas include critical security studies, migration, European Union foreign policy and external relations as well as Middle East and North African politics.