Chairholder 2010-2012: Atul Kumar

Curriculum Vitae
Download the Curriculum Vitae (pdf) of Professor Atul Kumar.
On the recommendation of the Curatorium of the Prince Claus Chair, Utrecht University has appointed the Indian climate researcher Atul Kumar as holder of the Prince Claus Chair 2010-2012.
During his two year appointment, Professor Atul Kumar will work closely with Professor Ernst Worrell, who is affiliated to Utrecht University’s Faculty of Geosciences as Professor of Energy, Resources and Technological Change. Professor Kumar’s expertise will make a valuable contribution to climate research at Utrecht University.
Atul Kumar (1977) is a Fellow in Modelling & Economic Analysis at the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi, India. TERI is an internationally highly visible not-for-profit organisation focusing on scientific challenges in the field of sustainable development, environment and energy. Supported by the Province of Utrecht, Utrecht City and Utrecht University, TERI will establish a European head office in Utrecht in March 2011 to strengthen the links between India and the Utrecht region, and enhance the Utrecht knowledge infrastructure in the field of sustainability. TERI will work closely with the partners of the newly established Utrecht Sustainability Institute.
Collaboration will start on the following four topics: biomass conversion, water, energy efficiency and sustainable cities. Professor Kumar is currently conducting research into how renewable energy technologies might be employed to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions. His current areas of research include energy-economy-environment modelling directed towards policy analysis, techno-economics evaluation of energy systems, and assessment of low-carbon strategies and sustainable lifestyles in the context of climate change.
The young scientist already has eleven years’ experience in researching climate change, energy policy, energy-system technology and how a sustainable lifestyle can combat climate change.