Rema Hammami

Inaugural address Rema Hammami
Inaugural address Rema Hammami, 2005/2006 holder of the Prince Claus Chair April 2006 Professor Rema Hammami, Holder of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity 2005/6, will deliver her Inaugural address at the Institute of Social Studies. The Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity (PCC), established by Utrecht University and ISS, rotates from year to year between Utrecht…
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Appointment Rema Hammami
May 2005 Palestinian appointed to Prince Claus Chair 2005/2006 This week the Institute of Social Studies has appointed Dr Rema Hammami as holder of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity 2005/2006, following her nomination by the Curatorium. The Prince Claus Chair is a rotating chair in the field of development and North-South relations…
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