Inaugural address

Prince Claus Chair inaugural lecture by Professor Saradindu Bhaduri

On Monday 23 May 2016, Professor Saradindu Bhaduri gave his inaugural lecture as Prince Claus Chair holder 2015-2016. In his lecture, entitled ‘Frugal innovation by “the small and the marginal”: an alternative discourse on innovation and development’, Bhaduri discussed the current discourse on frugal innovations, making the point innovations made with the global North in…

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Inaugural address Dr. Fatima Suleman

Professor Fatima Suleman has formally accept her appointment to the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity 2016/2018. She has delivered her inaugural address, entitled: “Affordability and equitable access to (bio)therapeutics for public health” on the 16th of May 2017 in the University Hall (Academiegebouw). Dr. Fatima Suleman, associate professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the…

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Inaugural address Javier Couso – May 2015

On 18 May 2015 Her Royal Highness Queen Máxima attended Javier Couso’s inaugural address ‘The observance of human rights requires an independent justice system’ Who protects the people of Latin America against the government? This is the key question in Professor Javier Couso’s inaugural address which he will be holding at Utrecht University on 18…

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Inaugural address Jumoke Oduwole – May 2014

On 20 May 2014, Professor Jumoke Oduwole gave her inaugural lecture as Prince Claus Chairholder 2013-2014.  In her lecture, entitled ‘International Law and Development: A Pragmatic Approach for Africa’, Professor Oduwole discussed how the Right to Development, as shaped in international law, could be made more relevant for Africa.   In the presence of Her…

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Inaugural Stella Quimbo

‘Science bridges policy reforms and children’s health: lessons from a policy experiment in the Philippines’ A lecture about health policy reforms in the Philippines. full text In her lecture, Stella Quimbo considers why such common diseases as pneumonia and diarrhoea are still among the leading causes of mortality of young Filipino children despite the fact…

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Inaugural address Atul Kumar

Princess Máxima to welcome new climate professor as holder of the Prince Claus Chair Princess Máxima will attend the inaugural lecture of climate researcher Professor Atul Kumar in the University Hall (Academiegebouw) of Utrecht University on Wednesday 23 March. The University has appointed Kumar as holder of the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity….

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Inaugural address Alcinda Honwana

In 2007, Professor Alcinda Honwana, Director of the International Development Centre of the Open University, UK was appointed to the Prince Claus Chair by the ISS. Her Inaugural Address was entitled: “Culture and Politics: War, Reconciliation and Citizenship in Mozambique”  The full text of her address can be downloaded here.  Professor Honwana was born in Mozambique…

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Inaugural address Nasira Jabeen

Inaugural address by Professor Jabeen, holder of the Prince Claus Chair Good governance is not universal  Professor Nasira Jabeen will deliver her inaugural address entitled ‘Good or good enough governance in South Asia: constraints and possibilities’ on 2 April 2007 in the Academiegebouw (University Hall) of Utrecht University. The concept of good governance must be determined…

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