Saradindu Bhaduri

Prince Claus Chair inaugural lecture by Professor Saradindu Bhaduri
On Monday 23 May 2016, Professor Saradindu Bhaduri gave his inaugural lecture as Prince Claus Chair holder 2015-2016. In his lecture, entitled ‘Frugal innovation by “the small and the marginal”: an alternative discourse on innovation and development’, Bhaduri discussed the current discourse on frugal innovations, making the point innovations made with the global North in…
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New Prince Claus Chair appointment dr. Saradindu Bhaduri: ‘Frugal Innovation for Development and Equity’
The Hague, 7 September 2015 As of the 1st of September 2015 dr. Saradindu Bhaduri will hold the new Prince Claus Chair (PCC) for a period of two years. His thematic focus will be on ‘Frugal Innovation for Development and Equity’, a topic on which dr. Bhaduri holds an excellent academic record. Frugal Innovation is a new…
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