
Veena Srinivasan appointed to Prince Claus Chair

As of 1 September 2018, Dr Veena Srinivasan will hold the Prince Claus Chair at Utrecht University for her research into sustainable and inclusive food production in Asian delta regions. With this position, Srinivasan is keen to not only contribute to delta and food research being conducted in Utrecht, but also to play a role…

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Fifteenth anniversary of the Prince Claus Chair

Young scientists are making a difference in the development of the global south On 12 April, the Prince Claus Chair celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. In the presence of Her Majesty Queen Máxima and Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, chairholders, post docs and other guests discussed the ideas of the late Prince Claus…

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Prince Claus Chair inaugural lecture by Professor Saradindu Bhaduri

On Monday 23 May 2016, Professor Saradindu Bhaduri gave his inaugural lecture as Prince Claus Chair holder 2015-2016. In his lecture, entitled ‘Frugal innovation by “the small and the marginal”: an alternative discourse on innovation and development’, Bhaduri discussed the current discourse on frugal innovations, making the point innovations made with the global North in…

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Appointment Dr. Fatima Suleman to do research on affordable (bio)therapeutics

Dr. Fatima Suleman, associate professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, has been appointed to the Prince Claus Chair of Development and Equity as of 1 September 2016. During the next two years, she will be conducting research in affordable (bio)therapeutics in collaboration with scholars at Utrecht University. “I am…

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Inaugural address Dr. Fatima Suleman

Professor Fatima Suleman has formally accept her appointment to the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity 2016/2018. She has delivered her inaugural address, entitled: “Affordability and equitable access to (bio)therapeutics for public health” on the 16th of May 2017 in the University Hall (Academiegebouw). Dr. Fatima Suleman, associate professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the…

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